For suppliers

Access hundreds of quoting opportunities

The supplier's advantage to joining forces with The PCB Marketplace team

As a supplier of PCB Marketplace you'll get access to many quoting opportunities, leveraging your expertise and radically growing your business to exponential heights.

Expand your reach and increase your sales opportunities by joining our platform.

Ready to go global? On PCB Marketplace, we cater to buyers from all over the world.

Receive feedback on your pricing for better planning and knowledable decision making.

Leave us with handling engineering and customer communication.

Our dedicated and experienced team can help with logistics, in case it's needed.

And we can also assist with quality and return issues, to streamline your processes.

We can reduce returns by conducting rework, and working with the customer.

We can do cross sections and detailed inspections, if and when required.

Contact us to get started

Got any questions? Don't hesitate to reach out.